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Franchise Links for the Rookie

These sites and services will help you survive in this land where the NFL is mocked and scorned, belittled and shinittled. Enjoy.

Recommended Podcasts

NFL Rants and Raves

NFL Rants and Raves is a superb bi-weekly podcast . Hosted by Steven Miranda and Jeff Ellis, the pair discuss upcoming fixtures as well as review the games following the weekend. Never dull, always informative.
ESPN Football Today

If you're like me you need a daily fix of NFL news and views. ESPN football is that and more.

For fans of Da Bears. Say hello to pain....I mean Payne....Mr Payne and Sean....a bit tardy

Essential sites

Official site of the NFL

NFL Highlights

Every highlight from every game. Bonus


Another expert source of news and views

Still more Angelfire Services

Free Web Building Help